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As you should know by now, CARFU has called for a 30-day moratorium on rugby activities to pursuit of everyone's individual and collective wellness. The two clubs that make up Chicago United Blue + Green (North Shore & Chicago Women) are adhering to that guideline while continuing to monitor and evaluate the best steps for our clubs and team members.

What a buzzkill. Stay safe, everyone.

In the meantime, we'll still have ways to continue to grow as players- physically and mentally. Look for workouts and game tape assignments from JCL and virtual training sessions led by your captains (more below).


  1. The game against Lindenwood is cancelled (obviously).St Louis has not yet cancelled their Ruggerfest, but it seems unlikely that we as a team would travel there. I believe the boards are continuing to monitor the situation.DC Ruggerfest has officially been postponed. They hope to reschedule it for later in the year, but that's moot for the moment. if you arranged travel, contact your airlines to get those refunds or credit towards future trips.The status of the remainder of the season happening in late April is currently unknown. We will let you know updates as we get/determine them.


  1. With the entirety of the spring season in flux, we will evaluate our operating budget needs and adjust accordingly. Obviously, it will be tough to schedule any fundraisers while we are all social distancing and the economy is in turmoil. As a partnership board we have not yet discussed this in light of the latest turn of events, but know that we will consider a variety of situations and send out instructions as we develop them.


This week we want to re-affirm that we are adhering to protocols and will not be meeting in person for practice over the next few weeks. We will reassess as need be at that time. In the meantime we will be having online sessions. Tuesday/Thursday 7-9pm. Link to come. The expectation is that everyone attend these online sessions. Each session will be on a different topic, from mental readiness, to basic skills, to big game picture. Players are expected to communicate with their captains if they are unable to attend.


While we all try to settle into a new normal and make sense of what's happening in the world today, we are a community of support who take care of each other. If you need anything- help making ends meet, an extra roll of TP, or a shoulder to cry on- reach out to your teammates!! Let's not let physical distancing lead to social isolation or anxiety. Check in with each other and was your hands.


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