*** Late Post - The Old Girls Weekend took place May 20 - 22, 2022 ***
After pushing the event back a year due to COVID, the NS Old Girls finally got together to not only celebrate North Shore but the 10-year reunion of winning the division one national championship!
Huge shout out to Nova and Heidi for planning the weekend as well as Jenny and Alyssa who were roped in to help set-up and tear down. We all had a fabulous time learning how to build a balloon arch!
If you missed it...
Friday night there was a small meet-n-greet at Kaiser Tiger to kick the weekend off.
Saturday afternoon, we had dinner and drinks in our sparkle theme attire. We heard fun stories from old girls as well as the current team. We learned that Noby is the most tenured player (1998 - 2019ish), with Shortnay being the oldest. Current team player Meg wasn't even born when Noby and Short started playing rugby. (She was born in 2000, gasp)
After the party we took a historical tour or journey throughout Chicago. Stops included North Ave beach where Sabra walked us through how fantastic those cold winter sessions were on the windy lakefront as well as Revere Park which was home to NS training for as long as we can all remember. We sprinkled in some fun social spots like Liar's Club and Carol's where the band made an exception to play 'Fishin' in the Dark' during sound check. No trolley tour is complete without a stop at the Black Rock...or the condos that now reside where the Black Rock formerly stood. RIP.
Note: Please notice the lead singer of the Carol's band photobombing in the background...
We wrapped up the weekend on Sunday by attending the North Shore WPL match against Berkeley. North Shore wasn't able to pull out a win but it was great to see how much the team had progressed and always great to watch women's rugby at the highest level! The team dug the old NS battle axes out of storage and the Old Girls handed them out to woman of the match.
We hope to have more Old Girls events in the future. If you missed it or aren't getting emails, shoot a note over to president@northshorerugby.com and we will make sure you are added to all the communication channels.
Go North Shore!